
Wisecrack ZoDiac
Zodiac ARIES: People don’t mind when you toot your own horn, but they would appreciate it if you did it with your face instead of your rear end. Lay off the beans for a few days; your co-workers will sing your praises.
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Zodiac Beth Bartlett ARIES: You don’t have to be the best, but at least try to wear shoes that match and have your pants right side out while at work. As always, underwear and common sense are optional.
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ZODIAC ARIES: You’re flying high and nothing can bring you down today. Enjoy it, because eventually helium will leak from those balloons tied to your office chair. Or your boss finds his old pellet gun and your descent will be much faster.
Read MoreWISECRACKCarroll County Drug Takeback slated Saturday
The Carroll County Drug Takeback is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
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Zodiac ARIES: On Monday, you’re all sizzle and no steak. Don’t disappoint everyone by throwing tofu into the pan; slip in some bacon and everyone will be your friend.
Read MoreWisecrackMeeting times, recording are topics for CAPC
By Rick HarveyRHarvey@CarrollCoNews.comEureka Springs residents and stakeholders will have an opportunity to voice their opinion regarding the time that City Advertising and Promotion Commission regular meetings and workshops are held,…
Former parks director sues city, mayor, commission
By Scott Loftis SLoftis@CarrollCoNews.com An attorney representing former Eureka Springs Parks and Recreation director Justin Huss filed a lawsuit last week in Carroll County Circuit Court against the city, its…
City council gets along just fine at Monday meeting
By Rick HarveyRHarvey@CarrollCoNews.comMembers of the Eureka Springs City Council were all on the same page during their regular meeting Monday, Feb. 13 at The Auditorium.The meeting was full of unanimous…