Live events happing in Eureka Springs
Read MoreLIVE ENTERTAINMENT SCHEDULEWisecrack Zodiac: Sept 14, 2023
VIRGO: The answer to your own personal mystery falls into your lap at 2:20 p.m. on Monday.
Read MoreWisecrack Zodiac: Sept 14, 2023Wisecrack Zodiac: Sept. 7, 2023
VIRGO: On Friday, you’re the tuba in an all-kazoo band; you’re not quite as annoying as everyone else, but you’re best enjoyed at a distance. Everyone’s giving you space, so toot to your heart’s content.
Read MoreWisecrack Zodiac: Sept. 7, 2023Neal McCoy to perform at Aud
Country music artist Neal McCoy will perform Thursday, Oct. 12
Read MoreNeal McCoy to perform at AudUnnamed candidate offered Aud director job
A job offer has been made for a new director for The Auditorium. The Eureka Springs City Advertising and Promotion Commission confirmed that director Scott Bardin had made an offer to an applicant before its July 26 regular meeting, then the commission went into executive session to discuss the choice for the role.
Read MoreUnnamed candidate offered Aud director jobLegal battle continues over money collected via $18 fee
A hearing has been scheduled Tuesday, Aug. 15, in the ongoing class-action lawsuit over the “$18 fee” that was included on real-estate tax bills for Carroll County property owners in 2018 and 2019.
Read MoreLegal battle continues over money collected via $18 feeParks chair says she made decision to fire Huss
Ruth Hager, chair of the Eureka Springs Parks and Recreation Commission, made the decision without a vote of the full commission to fire Justin Huss as parks director, Hager testified in a deposition taken July 10 in connection with a lawsuit filed by Huss.
Read MoreParks chair says she made decision to fire HussBook Review: “Gays on Broadway”
Gays on Broadway” By Ethan Mordden c.2023, Oxford University Press, $29.95, 233 pages You had to look around you and check your seat.
Read MoreBook Review: “Gays on Broadway”