Pisces: Nothing fishy here, you just finally score something you’ve always wanted for your birthday. Lock your anxiety in the broom closet so you can take the win and enjoy the moment for a change.
Aquarius: You realize that with enough Super Glue and yarn, you can make thousands of brightly colored yurts for underprivileged parakeets. Go for it: It’ll keep you out of trouble and let your guardian angel finally check into rehab.
enus The Carroll County Senior Activity and Wellness Center is located at 202 W. Madison Ave. in Berryville. The center is open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday. Lunch is served at noon each weekday. The suggested donation for ages 60 and up is $4. There is a $6 charge for those under 60 and all carryout meals. Menus are subject to change.
Zodiac Cancer: A lucky leprechaun keeps trying to give you his gold, but you’re dodging him at every turn. Stop and take a nice gift from the Universe, otherwise that little green guy will get angry. And you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.
Zodiac Beth Bartlett Taurus: You want to be like Lord Byron: mad, bad and dangerous to know. But in reality, you’re just slightly miffed, inconvenient and accidentally in someone’s phone contacts as “Brfol.” Start wearing leather pants and driving a technicolor VW bus to get your reputation going.
Zodiac ARIES: Some days you’re the windshield, some days you’re the bug, but on Tuesday you’re the wiper, running back and forth while covered in bug guts. Don’t worry, there’s a cutie ready to share a bubble bath with you later.
Zodiac Aries: Your personality lights up a room, but people only invite you over so they can find missing puzzle pieces under the sofa. Keep them in the dark, because you’re off to a bright new career as a mobile tanning salon.