
Ribbon Cutting

Brad Tate-Greene cuts the ribbon during a ceremony presented by the Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday morning at Hillside Eats & Sweets in Gaskin Switch Plaza.
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Going Somewhere

Ida Meyer was once told by a college professor that she was “going to go nowhere” as long as she had bright, colorful hair. Well, Meyer currently has pink hair, loves to ride a Harley and occasionally dresses in drag.
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Special Thanks

Greater Berryville Chamber of Commerce Board: Craig Kesner, James Myatt, Jodi Hopper, Ellen Randleman, Lee Ann Ashford, Todd Marriott, Tom Guhr, Chuck Miller, Ashley Hinton, Greg Motzko, Dottie Hoppis, Stephanie Perez, Mindy Hicks, and Dean Lee. Ambassadors: Olivia Writer, Sheila Calvillo, Lacy Tennant, Merry Smith, Suzann Bradley, Linda Tamayo, Mickey Belle Shield, Katy Generaux, James Generaux, Adam Sugg, Andrew Elkins, and Janell Honey.
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School Spotlight

Final report cards for the 2022-23 school year have been mailed to parents of Eureka Springs High School students, along with important registration documents for the upcoming school year.
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