

The Eureka Springs City Council put another hurdle in the path of a proposed gun and pawn shop, backing a recent decision by the planning decision to deny a Conditional Use Permit for the business. The council voted 4-2 at its June 12 regular meeting against a motion that would have granted Eureka Gun and Pawn LLC, the CUP to operate a pawn and gun shop in a C2 business zoning district.

Council looking at 25 percent raise in water rates

A 25 percent increase in water rates will soon be on the horizon for Eureka Springs residents. The city council voted unanimously at its regular meeting Monday, June 12, to ask city attorney Forrest Jacobi to draft an ordinance laying out a rate increase the city said is necessary to help offset increases in the amount the city pays for water from the Carroll-Boone Water District.
Read MoreCouncil looking at 25 percent raise in water rates