
CERT training scheduled

Carroll County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training will be held in Berryville and Holiday Island beginning in later this month. Training will be held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. each Tuesday from Sept. 27 through Oct. 25 at the Berryville Fire Department.
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Helm’s murder trial begins

A jury trial began Tuesday morning in Eureka Springs for the first of three defendants accused in the 2018 killing of a local man trial. Jason Hartley Helm is charged with first-degree murder and cruelty to animals in connection with the death of Chris Alvard, whose body was found in his home near Eureka Springs.
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Leave them be!

Leaves of three — leave them be! This is the time of the year to be on the lookout for poison ivy and poison oak. While these shrubs do not bother some people, many find they make summertime miserable.
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