
Meet the Candidates on Oct. 20

The Greater Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce will present the Eureka Springs Meet the Candidates Forum at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20, at the Inn of the Ozarks Convention Center. All candidates running for mayor, city council and other local offices have been invited and everyone is welcome to attend the nonpartisan events.
Read MoreMeet the Candidates on Oct. 20

Editor files criminal complaint over alleged FOIA violation

Scott Loftis, managing editor for Carroll County Newspapers, lodged a formal criminal complaint with Carroll County prosecuting attorney Tony Rogers on Sept. 21, the day after the Eureka Springs Parks and Recreation Commission appeared to violate the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act by holding an executive session to discuss the parameters of its search for a new executive director.
Read MoreEditor files criminal complaint over alleged FOIA violation