
Community Calendar

Send calendar entries to Rick Harvey at The calendar is reserved for events sponsored by non-profit entities, benefits for non-profits and free events.
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Pet of the Week

This week’s Pet of the Week is Squirt, an easygoing black Labrador. Squirt is an older adult dog that is looking for someone to snuggle with after a good play session. Squirt is neutered and available for adoption. The Good Shepherd Humane Society Adoption Center on Highway 62 is open from noon to 5 p.m. every day.
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LEGO Palace on display at ES museum

Palace Hotel & Bath House and the Eureka Springs Historical Museum are presenting a new exhibit featuring the “Eureka Springs LEGO Palace.” The LEGO Palace is the work of local artist Larry Jones and is based on the iconic Eureka Springs landmark, Palace Hotel & Bath House. Originally constructed in 1901, the Palace has operated as a hotel and spa for more than a century and is the last of the original Eureka Springs bath houses still in operation today.
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