
Parade of Lights
Eureka Springs’ annual Christmas Parade of Lights rolled through downtown on the evening of Friday, Dec. 2.
Read MoreParade of LightsOzarks Chorale returns with Sunday concert
The Aug. 8 blog post on the Ozarks Chorale’s website says it all: “We’re back! The clouds are rolling back, and soon we will be singing together again.” That post announced the end of the two-plus year hiatus of the popular choir due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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ESHS students embrace Angel Tree project
The holiday season will be a bit merrier for 140 kids thanks to the efforts of the Eureka Springs community and the dedication of a group of high school students. The longtime annual Angel Tree project, organized by Eureka Springs High School counselor Rachal Hyatt, has had one of its strongest responses this year.
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Cox appointed to CS Bank board
Charlie Cross, chief executive officer of CS Bank, has announced the appointment of Booker Cox III to the bank’s Governing Board of Directors. Cox is broker/wwner of Foggy River Realty in Branson and resides in Blue Eye with his wife, Dana.
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Hospital expansion takes a step forward
The wheels are finally in motion for the initial steps toward expanding Eureka Springs Hospital. At its Nov.
Read MoreHospital expansion takes a step forwardCouncil passes 1st reading on parking district
It was back-and-forth, sometimes unorganized, and chaotic, but in the end, the Eureka Springs City Council took the first step in establishing a new residential parking district along a part of Spring Street.
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‘Fancy Feast’ raises almost $14,000 for Good Shepherd
Good Shepherd Humane Society’s first fundraising event in three years was a big success. The organization held the first Fancy Feast event Sunday, Nov.
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Just in time for the holidays, a taste of New York City is coming to the Eureka Springs High School Auditorium Dec. 9-10.
Read MoreES students to present ‘Annie Jr.’