
CAPC reviews guidelines for marketing support
Any event requesting marketing support funds from the Eureka Springs City Advertising and Promotion Commission to help with advertising, should only — in most instances — receive consideration for three years.
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Claude Albert Fuller
The Eureka Springs Historic Cemetery would like to bring to the community a brief history pertaining to people who lay at rest in our cemetery.
Read MoreClaude Albert FullerHI researching potential penalties for unlicensed businesses
Businesses cooperating — or not —
Read MoreHI researching potential penalties for unlicensed businesses
Turpentine Creek provides safe haven for trafficked tiger
Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge can now share the story of Tony, A.K.A. Fred
Read MoreTurpentine Creek provides safe haven for trafficked tigerHospital commission backs embattled officers
The Eureka Springs Hospital Commission continued its support for the hospital’s acting chief executive officer and chief financial officer in a pair of meetings over the past week, refusing to submit to a demand from the city council that changes be made in the hospital’s administration.
Read MoreHospital commission backs embattled officersPark progress impresses commissioners
Basin Spring Park is getting its first major facelift in nearly 100 years, and the progress being seen so far is exceeding expectations.
Read MorePark progress impresses commissionersJPs approve moratorium on 1st reading
Monthly meetings of the Carroll County Quorum Court have been acrimonious for most of the past two years as a debate raged over the construction of an industrial wind energy project in the county.
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Hospital commission takes ‘no action’ at special meeting
By Scott Loftis Eureka Springs Times-Echo After an executive session that lasted just more than an hour, the Eureka Springs Hospital Commission voted without dissent to take no action at…