Community Calendar
Send calendar entries to Rick Harvey at RHarvey@cherryroad.com. The calendar is reserved for events sponsored by non-profit entities, benefits for non-profits and free events. First priority will be given to organizations providing a public service, such as rural fire departments, schools, churches, hospital auxiliaries and services for senior citizens or veterans. Submissions should be timely. Calendar listings should not be more than 30 days in advance of the event. The calendar is sometimes edited to fit the available space in the print edition. See the full calendar online at www.LovelyCitizen.com.
Read MoreCommunity CalendarGrapefruit seed extract
My father used to run squeezin’s through these hills during Prohibition. I guess many people had some of this set aside for medicinal use as a base for herbal remedies and, of course, uncut lightning. Back in those days, people got by in the best way they could. Times change and some things stay the same. A non-alcoholic squeezin’ that you should know about that helps with just about anything that ails you (at least the infectious bugs) is grapefruit seed extract liquid (GSE).
Read MoreGrapefruit seed extractBeneficial bugs
Probiotics, our friends, the bugs. Not the ones that go scattering when you turn the light on at home but the ones who have real estate inside your gastrointestinal tract. Good ones, like good neighbors, add health and well-being to our lives. Others can cause us bellyaches, ulcers and much more.
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