The Eureka Springs Opera Guild will hold its annual meeting on Sunday, March 30, at the Holiday Island Presbyterian Church, 111 Valley Drive, Holiday Island.
The public is invited to join the Guild for snacks and socializing at 2:30 p.m. followed by the annual meeting at 3 p.m.
After the meeting, last year’s alumna, Samantha Jones, will perform a short recital. Those who attended “La Traviata” last year will remember Samantha as one of the stunning Violettas.
Membership in the Guild is only $15 per person and the rewards are many. It’s the first season in the brand-new theater!
Want to see an opera for free? Join the Guild and sign up to usher for a performance!
To see more about the Opera Guild, visit http:// and click on the Guild button. There is a downloadable membership form there, as well as more information about what the Guild does.