Elks Support Highlanders

Holiday Island Elks Lodge No. 1042 recently presented a check for $4,000 to the Eureka Springs High School baseball program.

The donation will go toward the baseball program’s project of restoring the Lake Leatherwood baseball fields with new dugouts, new bases, high grade infield dirt, and portable pitching mounds for softball and baseball. The fields are used for both boys and girls in grades K-12. The first game is scheduled for Friday, March 14.

Coach Steve Johnson, assistant coach Victor Smith and assistant coach Orrie Sebby are directing the project.

Elks Lodge Secretary Al Selleck stated: “Every year our lodge donates over $50,000 to area charities, including many youth activities. Included are local scholarships, drug awareness programs, and support for Flint Street’s ‘Back Our Kids’ weekend food program. This donation is another example of ‘Elks Care – Elks Share.’ ” Holiday Island Elks is a charitable organization of Holiday Island and Eureka Springs area citizens. For information on Elks membership, call 479-253-9783 or email secretary@elks1042. com with your request.