Quorum Court gets through agenda quickly

The Carroll County Quorum Court had its briefest meeting in several months on Tuesday, May 21, with no discussion of the planned wind farm near Green Forest that has been the dominant topic of discussion for the past year.

No public comments were offered, either, after County Judge David Writer said he would allow comments only on agenda items. The audience was the smallest in several months, with no agenda items related to Scout Clean Energy’s planned Nimbus project.

The eight justices of the peace in attendance unanimously approved:

• a resolution confirming the appointment of Cynthia Olsen as a commissioner to the Lake Forest Subordinate Service District;

• a resolution confirming the appointments of Charlie Charlton and Nancy Rogers to the Grassy Knob Volunteer Fire Association District Commission;

• a resolution approving the re-appointment of David Teigen to the Carroll County Airport Commission;

• a supplemental appropriation ordinance adding a total of $15,666 in grant funds received to the county’s Juvenile Probation Grant budget;

• a supplemental appropriation ordinance adding a total of $15,835.65 in funds received to the budget of the Adult Drug Court Fund;

• a supplemental appropriation ordinance adding $75,000 to the Courthouse Fund to help pay for the development of a bid package for the construction of an Eastern District Court facility;

• and an appropriation ordinance to add $42,967.63 to the budget of the County Detention Center to replace a heating and air conditioning unit and a sewage grinder at the detention center.

District 2 JP Bruce Wright, District 8 JP Francisco Pedraza and District 10 JP Jerry King were absent.

District 11 JP John Howerton, who chairs the Eastern District Judicial Building Steering Committee, said the bid package for a new judicial facility in Berryville is being finalized and likely will be released soon.

The meeting was adjourned less than 15 minutes after being called to order. The next regular meeting of the Carroll County Quorum Court is scheduled for 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 18, in the courtroom of the Eastern District Courthouse in Berryville.