King’s Day Kickoff

Members of the Krewe of Krazo kicked off their 16th season of Eureka Gras the afternoon of Jan. 6 with as much noise and flare as they could from inside the Crescent Conservatory at the Crescent Hotel and Spa. Temps in the 30s kept the Second Line inside, but nothing could contain the smiles of those participating.

After a year of holding court, 2023 King and Queen Krazo Larry Handley and Tatyana Hetzer will be passing their scepters over to the 2024 King and Queen, Nathan Handley and Kay Franco. The incoming royalty will be crowned at the Coronation Ball on Feb. 2 at the Crescent Ballroom. Larry Handley is Nathan Handley’s father.

This year’s Dutchesses are Linda Harris, Anna Smedley and Becca Ritter, who was unable to attend last weekend. Dukes are Brad Eskridge, Sam Ewan and Rich Whitney.

For Saturday’s King’s Day Celebration, guests grazed on a menu of finger foods and cold cuts. A cash bar was also available.

The 2024 theme is “Music Through the Decades.” The revelry was to continue Jan. 8 and 10 with umbrella decorating at the Travelers Inn. A Taste of New A’wlins is slated for Jan. 13 at the Whiskey Bar at Basin Hotel, followed by the Feb. 2 Coronation Ball at the Crescent and the Feb. 3 night parade. The Masquerade Ball is scheduled for Feb. 9 at the Inn of the Ozarks, followed by the day parade and a Jazz Brunch Feb. 11 back at the Crescent.

Mardi Gras – also known as Carnival or Carnaval – will be celebrated worldwide Feb. 13, the day before many Christians observe Ash Wednesday.

— Story and photos by Cyd King