
There is an amazing and undersung supplement I am about to tell you about. In addition to everything you are about to read this one is a big part of my beneficial protocol for combating COVID/flu as it has the ability to thin mucus, thereby protecting the lungs.

Take a minute and read more. Detox and get younger? Wish it was that simple, but there is a supplement that is a powerful detox andantioxidant (antioxidants help us to handle age better). It is glutathione. Glutathione is composed of three amino acids: glycine, glutamic acid and cysteine. It is extremely important and naturally occurs in our bodies. Glutathione levels decrease as we age.There is a corresponding decline in our health and longevity as levels drop. Low glutathione levels have been linked to cardiovascular disease, cataracts, macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease as well as aging in general.

In our animal friends, researchers at Louisiana State University showed a clear and definite linkage to the levels of glutathione and the drop in inflammation that goes hand in hand with the healing of inflammatory bowel disease.

This supplement is partly beneficial because of its ability to detox your body from harmful chemicals such as paint, vapors, exhaust etc. Even though we try very hard not to, we all breathe and ingest small amounts of harmful toxins every day. While our bodies do a miraculous job of getting these nasties out of our systems, a toll is paid. This gets more critical as we age and/or when we are in poor health. Many cancers are caused by environmental toxins, which get into our drinking water or food supply, obviously often without our knowing. Glutathione increases your ability to rid yourself of these by leaching them right out of your system (Milk Thistle is good, too!).

I prefer supplementing with N-acetyl cysteine as we produce the maximum amount we can use that way but cruciferous veggies such as broccoli and especially Brussels sprouts are good sources, though you have to eat them regularly and have large servings. Garlic, scallions, onions and shallots all make the glutathione in the broccoli (and family) work better. A supplement of 750 mg of true glutathione (GSH-reduced) or 1200mg of N-acetyl cysteine seems prudent and workable if you need more than what your diet can provide. Whey protein powders may do the job as well. Eat well.