Dearest readers, as our enduring mayor reveals that the city now finds itself entangled in yet another legal web – this time with former hospital employees – one cannot help but turn a most inquisitive eye toward those who remain.
Among them, is the ever-elusive CFO, Ms. Cynthia Asbury, whose professional past offers more intrigue than a well-penned novel. Her professional past, a veritable tapestry of intrigue, rivals the most scandalous of novels. One might recall, or perhaps, should recall, Ms. Asbury’s reign over The Blossoms at Berryville Rehab and Nursing Center. A tenure, shall we say, less than blooming? A rather substantial $20,000 federal fine, a consequence of numerous deficiencies, casts a rather long shadow, does it not? A cursory glance of Medicare. gov, reveals a tale far from flattering.
But, quelle surprise! This particular chapter of Ms. Asbury’s career seems to have been conveniently absent from her application to Eureka Springs Hospital. A mere oversight, or a calculated omission? One cannot help but ponder: Had this rather indelicate detail been brought to light during the hiring process, would the outcome have been the same? A most delicious ‘what if,’ is it not?
And then, there is the matter of the performance improvement plan, those benchmarks so zealously guarded by the hospital commission. One wonders, did she soar to meet them, or did they remain, like so many unfulfilled promises, lost in the mists of time? A question, alas, they seem determined to keep shrouded in mystery.
As always, dear readers, the truth, like a tightly laced corset, will eventually reveal itself. Until then, we shall observe, we shall speculate, and we shall, of course, and, indeed, remain most keenly tuned in.
— Heather Wilson