EUUF program to raise funds in support of Afghan refugees

Eureka Unitarian Universalist Fellowship’s program at 11 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 23, will be focused on a fundraiser for Canopy NWA, in support of Afghan refugees. The event will feature a guest speaker, traditional Afghan music and food and a raffle for a beautiful tribal rug.

The Fellowship has pledged that all money from this event will go directly to Canopy NWA, in support of 25 Afghan families who are newly arrived to our country, who followed every legal process to get here, and who are already living in our community. They fled from their war-torn country, hoping to re-build their lives in peace and safety in America.

The reason Canopy NWA launched a fundraising campaign to get them food, shelter, and medical care is because on Jan. 24 the organization received a stop work order from the Presidential Administration for its Refugee Resettlement Reception and Placement Program. This program previously supplied all services to refugees during their first weeks in the United States, for a maximum of 90 days.