CAPC nominates Wilson, Schmid to fill empty seats

The Eureka Springs City Advertising and Promotion Commission is close to being back at full capacity.

At the commission’s regular monthly meeting held Wednesday, July 24, Heather Wilson and Robert Schmid were nominated by commissioners from a pool of six applicants to join the commission. The nominations will have to be confirmed by the Eureka Springs City Council, whose next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 12.

The two CAPC positions came open when former chair Chris Clifton and commissioner Chris Jones stepped down from their respective seats. The seat held by Jones was designated for a Eureka Springs lodging and/or restaurant owner or manager who must reside in the city limits. Clifton’s seat was an at-large position, meaning the commissioner can live anywhere in Carroll County. Wilson was nominated for the at-large position and Schmid to the other vacant seat.

Clifton stepped down June 27, a day after a contentious CAPC meeting was attended by a standing-room only crowd. During public comments, 26 residents and business owners spoke, with Clifton being asked repeatedly to step down after recent controversies involving a proposed marketing slogan, the editing of a promotional vido and the suspension of the commission’s executive director.

Chris Jones was Clifton’s only ally on the CAPC and the only commissioner to vote “yes” on a confidence motion by commissioner Bradley Tate-Greene at the June 26 meeting. Jones also resigned June 27.

At the June 26 meeting, the CAPC nominate Shira Fouste to fill a seat vacated by Brian Weinmann, and the council has confirmed Fouste’s appointment.

Those who submitted applications for the seats held by Clifton and Jones, in alphabetical order, were:


A resident of Holiday Island, Fortner is the owner of LaGrange’s Eclectic Boutique, according to her application dated July 15.

“I have lived here 1 year. Fresh eyes and new hopes,” her application reads on the question of how the city would benefit from having her on the commission.


Riordan owns Eureka Sunset Cabins, according to his application that is dated June 3.

On the question about how the city would benefit from having him a member of the CAPC, Riordan wrote: “Good at problem solving, creative thinking, critical thinking. Love Eureka Springs.”


Dated Nov. 1, 2023, Schmid’s application was the oldest and lists him as the owner of Edelweiss Inn and a 15year resident of Eureka Springs.

When asked what he would bring to the commission, Schmid lists “pro-tourism” and “business-oriented decision making.”

The application indicates that Schmid served on the CAPC from 2013-2016.


Owner of Blessed Bohemian Properties, Vaught applied July 8. Her application indicates she has been a realtor since 2019 and a property manager since 2020.

“I have knowledge of hospitality and marketing and would be a great fit for this position,” Vaught answers when asked how the city would benefit if she was selected.

Vaught was one of two applicants who attended the July 17 workshop and introduced herself to the commission.


Viola, who also attended and spoke at the July 17 workshop, submitted his application on July 15.

“I’ve owned lodging for eight years and personally check in all my guests,” Viola wrote on his application, which indicates he owns AirBnb and VRBO locations, including “The Nest at 188.”

“I know what guests want while on vacation,” he wrote. “I share information on places to eat and things to do. I also engage with guests in town and share information on our town. Places to eat, things to do.”


Wilson’s application for the at-large seat is dated July 12 and indicates that she owns The Brand Strategy Tank.

“Experienced marketer and convention visitors bureau partner with campaign and budget oversight expertise,” Wilson answered when asked how her selection to the CAPC would benefit the city.