Oct . 23
■ 2:29 p.m. — An officer located an accident while on patrol and made a report.
■ 2:51 p.m. — An officer located property and turned it in to the police department.
Oct . 24
■ 11:24 a.m. — An officer responded to a report of people yelling, breaking things and the smell of gas. There’s one hell of a joke right there, but we’ll resist the urge.
■ 7:47 p.m. — An officer made an arrest on a warrant.
■ 10:09 p.m. — An officer responded to a noise complaint and located a female on her balcony yelling.
■ 10:54 p.m. — An officer responded to a false alarm at a business.
■ 10:56 p.m. — An officer responded to a report of intoxicated people.
Oct . 25
■ 12:09 a.m.— An officer took a report regarding someone being harassed on social media.
■ 11:28 a.m. — An officer conducted a welfare check.
■ 12:13 p.m. — An officer responded to a report of shoplifting and trespassed someone from the business.
■ 5:29 p.m. — An officer trespassed individuals from a bank
parking lot.
■ 10:12 p.m. — An officer responded to a report of an abandoned vehicle.
■ 11:11 p.m. — An officer responded to a false alarm at a business.
Oct . 26
■ 2 a.m. — An officer responded to a false alarm at a business.
■ 10:16 a.m.— An officer responded to a report of an unregistered vehicle sitting in a parking lot for more than 14 days. Umm, if it’s not being driven, why does it have to be registered?
■ 11:35 a.m. — An officer responded to a report of a male in a parking lot yelling at people. Is a certain former restaurateur back in town? Maybe he’s just upset that it’s a parking lot and not a parking garage. Oct . 27
■ 4:42 a.m. — An officer responded to a false alarm at a business.
■ 9:01 a.m. — An officer responded to a vehicle versus trailer accident.
■ 12:18 p.m. — An officer responded to a report of a man drinking gasoline. Hey, it’s Eureka! As long as he pays his tab … ■ 1:18 p.m. — An officer responded to a report of a tanker truck driving erratically. Was it a tanker truck hauling gasoline? And was the driver sampling the product? See previous item.
■ 9:50 p.m. — An officer conducted a traffic stop that led to an arrest on a warrant.
■ 10:42 p.m.— An officer responded to a report of a couple fighting in a parking lot. One of the subjects was arrested.
Oct . 28
■ 1:32 p.m. — An officer was almost hit by another driver while working on an accident scene.
■ 9:55 p.m. — An officer conducted a traffic stop that led to an arrest.
■ 10:36 p.m. — An officer responded to a disturbance that led to an arrest.
Oct . 29
■ 12:52 a.m. — An officer responded to a 911 hang-up.
■ 1:39 a.m. — Officers assisted a couple with getting a taxi.
■ 2:35 a.m. — Officers responded to a report of two males and a female fighting in a parking lot but all checked out OK.
■ 6:09 a.m.— Officers assisted EMS on a medical call.