Free trolley rides available for Jamboreeka

Eureka Springs Parks and Recreation is encouraging those attending the Jamboreeka celebration on Sunday, July 2, at the Lake Leatherwood ball fields to utilize free trolleys that will be in operation because of limited parking.

Individuals can park their cars and catch the trolley at the city’s Transit and Welcome Center at 137 W. Van Buren, Planer Hill Park at 177 S. Main Street and the transit’s downtown depot at 60 S. Main Street.

Overflow parking will also be at the main Lake Leather City Park with limited parking at the location of the live music, food and fireworks at the park’s ballfields just off Highway 62.

On the day of the event, Sunday, July 2, Event Parking signs will be installed in the areas noted as shown on the map and we’ll have Parking Attendants to help direct you.

Jamboreeka sponsors include Henson Handi- Works, CS Bank, Connectel, Equity Bank, Opera in the Ozarks, Topo Motel, Sparky’s Roadhouse Cafe, Johnson’s Automotive, Teigen Insurance, Steve’s Septic and Catered Creations.