Cemetery commission fires groundskeeper

Eureka Springs Cemetery groundskeeper Ozzy Duarte was terminated in a special called meeting of the city’s cemetery commission on Thursday, May 4.

Duarte was a part-time groundkeeper before being promoted to full time in May 2022.

In an audio recording of the meeting, commission chairman LB Wilson can be heard taking a roll call for the meeting, which was scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. at the cemetery office.

A motion was then made to go into executive session “to discuss the termination of an employee,” which was approved by the four commissioners present — Wilson, Robert Tollett, Bruce Wright and David Danvers.

Approximately 30 minutes later, the recording resumes. Instead of a vote to end executive session and resume an open session, Wilson asks if anyone has a motion regarding what was discussed in executive session.

“I make a motion to terminate Ozzy Duarte,” a voice is heard on the recording.

The motion was seconded and approved 4-0 to terminate Duarte, “effective immediately.”

The commission then voted to adjourn the meeting and the recording comes to an end.

There was no explanation given for the termination of Duarte, who was popular among commissioners in the months after his promotion to lead groundskeeper.

“Ozzy has done an excellent job as heads groundskeeper,” Wright, who also serves as cemetery superintendent, said at a June 2022 commission meeting. “He’s a great communicator. He does love his role; he loves the cemetery and is just very observant and communicates well and brings up any issues that might arise.

“He documents records well and has a lot of confidence. And I’ve got a lot of confidence in the upkeep of the cemetery.”

Praises for Duarte were posted on the “City of Eureka Springs Cemetery” Facebook page as recently as April.