Songwriting workshop slated at Writers’ Colony

Songwriting enthusiasts looking to hone their craft and improve their skills are in for a treat as Tim Easton, an internationally known singer-songwriter, will hold a three-day songwriting workshop Aug. 23-25 at the Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow, 515 Spring Street in Eureka Springs.

The workshop will focus on developing skills needed to write a classic-style sing-along, while also helping students learn about lyric building, form, co-writing, and musical instruction based on participants’ skill levels.

The workshop is designed for people with basic songwriting skills and basic musical talents, who are looking to further their songwriting abilities.

The workshop will be limited to eight participants and will consist of late-afternoon and evening classes. During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to craft one song in a campfire- style that can be sung by anyone. Additionally, they will be divided into small groups to co-write a song based on prompts.

The cost for the threeday workshop is $350. Participants can opt to stay at the Colony for three nights with meals at an additional cost of $315. Additional nights are available, and there are other lodging options available in town.