Parks commission hires interim director

The Eureka Springs Parks and Recreation Commission has unanimously approved the hiring of an interim parks director to temporarily fill the role of retiring director Scott Miskiel.

The commission voted 4-0 at its Dec. 13 regular meeting to hire Steven Dickey to become the interim director.

Dickey has been working with the parks department for more than a year on a contract basis, specifically working with projects involving glades in the city. “I am excited that Steve has decided to become interim director of parks and recreation,” Ruth Hager, parks commission chair, said in an email to the Lovely County Citizen. “He has been working on a contract basis off and on with Scott Miskiel and the parks office staff since last fall on various projects including the Urban and Community Grant and as Glades Restoration Project Manager for the Steve Foster Glades restoration at Lake Leatherwood City Park.”

The commission went into executive session twice during the Dec. 13 meeting.

The first time, for 12 minutes, was to “discuss the hiring of an executive director.”

However, once returning to public forum, it was announced that no action was being taken.

The commission then immediately voted to return to executive session to “discuss the hiring on an interim director,” a session that latest 16 minutes.

After voting to end executive session and return to the open meeting, the commission approved the hiring of Dickey.

“I would like to make a motion that we offer the position of interim executive director of the parks and recreation to Steven Dickey at the rate, current rate, hourly rate as we pay that current position,” commissioner Mark Ingram said in a motion.

While the commission did vote 4-0 to approve the motion, Hager said that Dickey was scheduled to meet this week with Jerry King, the city’s human resources director, to finalize the process, including a salary amount.

Hager said Dickey has the technical and writing skills necessary to help provide a smooth transition in the role.

“His computer and technology skills have been invaluable in our efforts to create and document the policies and procedures of the department with an emphasis on planning for the future,” Hager wrote. “Rapport with staff has been excellent. Grant writing skills are so important for funding large projects, and we are confident in and grateful for those abilities, as well.

“I believe [Dickey] is focused on continuing the work that has been done so well under Scott Miskiel’s term. His involvement as a consultant for parks in the development of consistent administrative practices will make this and future transitions easier for the director position.”

Miskiel, who was first named interim director in October 2020, announced earlier this year he was stepping down to spend more time with his family.

“We wish Scott Miskiel, outgoing director, a relaxing retirement, and, on behalf of the whole commission, we look forward to the opportunity to have Steve Dickey serve as interim,” Hager said. “We value his knowledge and expertise, but we also appreciate that Steve is the kind of person who places emphasis on coming together, in a collective effort between the parks department, the parks commission and the public.

“That philosophy will serve him well to allow us to move forward and create a path to success for the next director.”