School district buys neighboring property at auction

The Eureka Springs School District campus has gotten bigger.

Superintendent Bryan Pruitt said the school district purchased a five-acre property during a Nov. 23 auction at the Carroll County Courthouse. The property, located at 63 Stoppel Road — just east of Eureka Springs Elementary School — was a foreclosure.

The winning bid was $198,942.63, Pruitt said.

The Eureka Springs School Board voted at a special meeting Tuesday, Nov. 22, to authorize Pruitt to bid on the property.

“I just couldn’t take the chance of not having a special meeting and let me go up there and try to bid on it,” Pruitt said. “When there’s some land that comes up by the school, we need to try to get it if we can.”

The property, which is across the street from the elementary school playground, has an old house that’s not livable “with a roof that fell in,” and two dilapidated buildings on it, Pruitt said, adding that he thinks it will cost approximately $25,000 to clean up the property.

There are no immediate plans for how the school district will utilize or develop the property.