
Fresh cilantro, when made into a pesto, is not only tasty but can be exceptionally good for you. Cilantro is that parsley-like herb used in salsa that gives a delicious zip to the food. When cilantro goes to seed you get coriander but it is the leaves in this case that can be so good for you. In addition to being rich in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients it can be used as a very powerful chelating (deep cleansing) food, according to a Japanese researcher named Dr. Yoshiaki Omura.

He found that by eating cilantro pesto his antibiotic therapy for chlamydia infection was dramatically improved. He found this to be true with other infections including herpes and cytomegalovirus. While he wasn’t certain about why this happened he thought it had to do with cilantro chelating the toxic metals aluminum, mercury and lead from the body. He proved chelation by testing urine pre- and post-ingestion of cilantro.

Eating just a couple of sprigs won’t do the job, though. Here is a recipe for cilantro pesto that I use: 2 bunches of washed/fresh organic cilantro, the juice of 1/2 lime or lemon, fresh garlic to taste, 1/2 cup of almonds or any unsalted nut, 6 tablespoons of olive oil. Stuff the cilantro, stems and all, into the bottom of a blender and place all of the other ingredients on top. Blend until you get a smooth paste, remove to a storage bowl and refrigerate. I use two tablespoons a day on a carb-friendly tortilla, roll it up and have it for breakfast. This is a quick, easy, tasty way to start each day that also gives ample nutrition, staying power and benefits by cleansing deep toxins from your body. The recipe given will make enough for about six days for one person but you can make ahead and freeze.

Plaque in the coronary arteries may be caused by or is greatly influenced by toxic metals, to which we all have some exposure. Other choices for chelation are modified citrus pectin (MCP), chlorophyll and EDTA. Additionally, MCP has strong science supporting use for a variety of cancers while chlorophyll is nutrient-dense.