War Eagle Mill joins Crescent family

War Eagle Mill, a working gristmill in Benton County that is home to the popular War Eagle Fair, has announced it is officially joining the Eureka Springs-based Crescent Hotel and Spa family.

“In joining the Crescent family, War Eagle Mill also welcomes the operational creed of the Crescent Hotel corporation: Being Community Minded, Building the Individual, Creating Lifetime Memories, and Protecting the Irreplaceable,” according to a news release regarding the new partnership. “War Eagle Mill is widely recognized as an icon for tourism and a sought-after site for sightseeing, floating, history buffs, visitors to Hobbs State Park, and, of course, crafting.”

“Passively, War Eagle Mill has long been part of our Crescent Hotel family,” said Jack Moyer, executive vice president and general manager of the Crescent Hotel. “Today, we welcome them fully and look forward to the challenge of protecting the mill and making things better for the stream and for the team.”

Launching no later than Sept. 1, the former War Eagle Mill Corp. will separate into two entities, each with more targeted duties. A new entity will be formed for the production corporation to concentrate on production and the expansion of the War Eagle Mill product line. Production will be under the leadership/ownership of Sam Sputo.

The former War Eagle Mill entity will continue and concentrate on the preservation of the historical site as well as serving as a tourist destination. War Eagle will continue under the ownership of Elise Roenigk and the leadership of Moyer.

War Eagle Mill will be closed through Aug. 31 for facility upgrades and changes to food service offerings. The restaurant will evolve into a “fast casual” outlet and the updated business plan will have plans to restart managed access to War Eagle Creek. River access will include supervised paid parking, a landing and load-out beach, 24-hour convenience beverage/vending and allow “always open” restroom and trash facilities.

“The focus here will be placed on a concerted effort on a ‘Save the Stream’ strategy,” the release said. “Donations for usage will be encouraged.”

War Eagle Mill dates back to 1832, although the mill was damaged by flooding and then burned twice, the second time in 1924. Currently, War Eagle Mill is an authentic reproduction of the 1872 Blackburn family mill. It is currently the only grist mill in Arkansas and is thought to be the only operational undershot waterwheel in the entire country.

“War Eagle Mill will continue to participate in the annual War Eagle Fair,” the release said. “Established in 1953, it is regarded as the originator of all Ozark craft fairs, occupies the fields directly adjacent to the old War Eagle Bridge, and is on all sides of the Mill property. The fair draws tens of thousands of guests and celebrates heritage, history, art, and craftsmanship.