Community Calendar

Send calendar entries to Rick Harvey at The calendar is reserved for events sponsored by non-profit entities, benefits for non-profits and free events. First priority will be given to organizations providing a public service, such as rural fire departments, schools, churches, hospital auxiliaries and services for senior citizens or veterans. Submissions should be timely. Calendar listings should not be more than 30 days in advance of the event. The calendar is sometimes edited to fit the available space in the print edition. See the full calendar online at


Alanon group

Serenity Alanon Family Group meetings are held at 11:30 a.m. each Sunday at 103 Stadium Drive in Eureka Springs. For information, contact Vonn at 214-605-0615


Yarn Lovers Club

Yarn Lovers Club at the Green Forest Public Library takes place at 5 p.m. each Monday for those interested in knitting, crocheting, weaving, spinning, etc.



Storytime at 10 a.m. at the Green Forest Public Library. All ages are welcome. There will be two groups: one for younger kids and one for older. All will have snacks and a craft.

Game night

Dungeons and Dragons at 6 p.m. every Tuesday at the Green Forest Public Library. Ages 16 and over. No table fees. Participants are asked to bring their own snacks.


Rebel Readers

Children ages 9-13 are invited to join Rebel Readers book club each Thursday during the summer. Participants read a book together, work on activities and crafts, discuss the book, and have a snack.

Get Fit Club

JoAnn at the Green Forest Library will host a Get Fit Club at 6 p.m. each Thursday. This easy stretching class helps adults of all ages and mobility stretch and get slightly more in shape.

JULY 22-29

Book Fair

Green Forest Library will host a Book Fair. All books will be purchased with “Green Forest Library Book Bucks,” not actual money. Visit the library to learn how to earn these bucks to buy books.


Workshop planned

The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow will offer “Storytelling Through the Five Senses,” a workshop by Jennifer Moore from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. on July 28.

The five senses are part of the shared human experience; incorporating them into one’s writing can be a powerful way for a writer to connect with readers. The workshop will be held at 515 Spring Street, Eureka Springs. The class fee is $25 and all proceeds benefit the WCDH scholarship fund. Learn more and register at


WCDH hosting workshop

The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow (WCDH) will host a “Moving and Meditating Through Writer’s Block,” workshop by Olga El from 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 3, at the Eureka Springs UU Church at 17 Elk St. Participants will learn a variety of techniques aimed to help work through issues preventing optimal creativity.

The class fee is $20 per person. All proceeds benefit the WCDH scholarship fund. Register at