COVID-19 still a concern

An update on Omicron COVID-19 still includes my original recommendations. Be assured, I am vigilantly keeping up on the recently released COVID-19 information.

Right now the subvariant BA-5 is the one to watch out for. A subvariant is like a cousin in the family.

BA-5 is much more transmissible than the original but seems to be less toxic but more likely to cause long COVID ailments.

Less toxic means you will still feel sick with flulike symptoms that vary from mild to feeling like death warmed over. Some people do die while most recover with some people manifesting long-term ailments like breathing trouble, exhaustion, memory loss, trouble sleeping and body aches.

Though the number of infections continue an upward climb we don’t know how many infections exist as home testing is being done without those positives being reported.

The numbers reported now are hospital admissions for COVID-19 disease. We know that it is mostly an airborne nasty and doesn’t exist on surfaces for very long.

It is unlikely to catch it from a doorknob unless there is recent wetness from a sneeze or spittle. We know that as individual immunity builds in numbers, then the curve will flatten but it has not gone away.

Daily, I suggest N-acetyl cysteine at proper dose to set up a proper barrier in my opinion.

Additionally, this should keep mucous thin and be lung protective. Vitamin D, zinc (no more than 50mg/day) and probiotics round out the supplements.

Keep a bottle of monolaurin on hand to take in very high dose if the going starts to get rough, the sooner the better.

Stay at that dose till better. I have seen this work very well.

Monolaurin has not been clinically studied, as a medicine but there are many research studies proving it to be strongly antiviral, acting as a sort of Trojan Horse for a virus.

For those with long-term COVID, monolaurin may not be beneficial as the virus is likely no longer active. So supplement choice for long-term COVID would be set upon the nature of the ailments and symptom presentation.

In my opinion, catch it early or late the sooner you take these supplements the better for you.