Skin ailments

Eczema, seborrhea and psoriasis are all conditions that cause red eruptions often with scale on the skin and scalp. Eczema is found most anywhere on the body while seborrhea looks similar but involves sebaceous (oil) glands of the skin and psoriasis can be found anywhere but is usually on elbows and knees. All three are an inflammation of the skin and this is called dermatitis. None of the three is contagious.

The natural therapies of long ago (mummies show evidence of this ailment) would include cleansing through heat or steam and diet, mineral baths, balms and herbal remedies. A hundred years ago it would be similar. One thing modernity has added is that there is often an auto-immune response underlying that if not addressed will keep the problems intact. Psoriasis is often interlinked with rheumatoid arthritis, an auto-immune disease, for example. Autoimmune means that our own immune system that is designed to protect us is in part causing the problem by attacking our own body. Because of this, internal inflammation that can cause heart attack and brain troubles such as dementia are often elevated causing other sets of troubles down the road. Fish oil and vitamin D are good supplements to add.

Getting a C-reactive protein blood test done will quickly tell you how much internal inflammation you have. Even if you are in the “normal” range it is best to have as little as you can so adding natural Cox2 squelching supplements such as turmeric, boswellin or a comprehensive formula product like inflamove is a good idea.

To deal with eczema, seborrhea and psoriasis wash with mild soap, do an herbal liver cleanse (not a colon cleanse), use Maritime Pine bark extract (pycnogenol) daily to balance the immune system, drink a cup of Essiac tea/day and use a balm/salve topically. Now is a very good time to start on the Maritime Pine bark extract as it reduces allergies across the board.