Health benefits of eating fish

Fishing can be a healthy way to socially distance. Beyond the soul touching of being integral to the present sense of Mother Nature, should you catch a fish with the intent of eating it that can be healthful. Catfish, bass and crappie can be great eating and a lot of fun in the getting but you have to go to the ocean for heart-saving benefits from fish.

Eating cold-water ocean fish like salmon and fresh tuna and cod may reduce coronary artery disease (CAD) which then reduces the chance of heart attack or stroke. While I have written about this before, I thought it important to say again because of a powerful article in the September issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A new study has shown eating fish is also associated with reduced progression of coronary artery plaque buildup in postmenopausal women with coronary artery disease. Men get heart attacks at a younger age than women, usually starting in the late 40s and women in the mid 50s. But we all know people much younger who have plaque/heart attack/stroke and hardening of the arteries.

Scientists examined the connection between fish intake and the progression of coronary artery disease in 229 postmenopausal women. Those who ate the most fish proved to keep the arteries more clear and reduced the areas of clogs.

Think about the fireplaces and chimneys most of us have in our houses. Just by using them soot (plaque) will build up in the flue and chimney. Sometimes, we’ll get a pine log full of pitch and get too much soot. Without a good chimney sweep we run the risk of a chimney fire (heart attack/stroke) that could burn our home down. We think, fish oil (Omega 3) can — like the chimney sweep — clean things up. Most all people accumulate soot.

Here in the Ozarks we have to make a pretty good effort to get ocean fish in our diet. Besides, we also have to like the taste of fish without it being breaded and deep-fried. A diet low in ocean fish oil has also been connected to moodiness/depression and poor skin health. I like 2000-3000mg/day of Omega 3 fish oil yielding at least 500mg of DHA taken daily. I’ve found swallowing one with a meal makes it easy and reduces the chance of “fishy burps.” Though, a quality product will be made to keep that from happening along with eliminating mercury from the sea. An excellent and environmentally sound replacement for Krill oil is Calamari oil.

Still, fishing for catfish, bass or crappie sure beats a day at work.